
Finnpipette Stepper

Discontinued by Thermo Fisher in March 2022. Find replacement parts here: StepperMultistepper

Easy-to-use and lightweight repeater pipette designed for one-handed dispensing. Ergonomically designed to allow rapid dispense up to 45 times in succession without refilling.

Operating on the positive displacement principle, the Finnpipette Stepper is ideally suited for work with aggressive and viscous liquids.

Factory calibrated.

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Finnpipette Stepper Repeater Pipette (Thermo Scientific)TS 4540000Show detailspipettes-repeaters-finnpipette-stepper-thermo-scientific by-brand-thermo-finnpipette-pipettes-repeaters-finnpipette-stepper pipettes-repeaters pipettes by-brand-thermo-finnpipette-pipettes-repeaters by-brand-thermo-finnpipette-pipettes by-brand-thermo-finnpipette by-brand